
Summer Reading – Teens

Teenagers (ages 13-17)

Sign Up Here & Read For Prizes

Read and Win Prizes!

  • Sign Up for Summer Reading!
  • Read! – Read the required number of minutes.
    • Teens (ages 13-18) – each section is 400 minutes
  • Fill out the reading log (online or pick up a paper log at the library).
  • Submit & repeat!

All reading logs must be turned in by July 31st at 11:59pm

Can’t use a computer? Paper logs are also available at the library or on this page in the Downloads section.

What can I win?

Read for Prizes

Teens: Finish theĀ  first 2 sections and receive prizes.

Every section finished will also get you entries in the End of Summer Raffle.

Read and win prizes

throughout the summer!

<——-Check out a few of our prizes!

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